

Countries which have successfully developed and reduced poverty over the past century have done so largely by developing their manufacturing sectors. In most countries, manufacturing generates more economic activity per dollar of production than any other business sector.

Manufacturers directly create jobs across a range of skill levels, enabling people, especially women, to move from informal work to formal employment with benefits, such as more security, better pay, social insurance and access to financial services.

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Manufacturing creates opportunity across industry value chains by increasing demand for raw materials, energy, construction, technology, and services from a broad array of supplying industries in the economy.

Growing global concerns over climate change are putting an increasing focus on sustainability. Read our series on sustainability in industry, which examines the opportunities and challenges facing various industrial sectors and the role that the International Finance Corporation can play to support their efforts and contribute to a greener planet.

The impact of IFC clients in 2021:

  • 319,000 Jobs supported
  • 118,902 Jobs for women supported
  • $22.5 B Domestic purchases
  • $1.1 B Payments to governments

At a Glance

In FY22, our new long-term commitments in the manufacturing sector totaled about $2 billion, including $940 million mobilized from other investors.

Focus Areas

Decarbonization and Sustainability

IFC helps manufacturers implement and finance strategies aimed at decarbonizing their operations. Our work focuses on initiatives that promote energy efficiency, renewable and alternative energy, emerging technologies, and resource efficiency.

Sustainable Finance

Through its Global Trade Supplier Finance Program, IFC helps suppliers become greener, cleaner, more efficient, and better equipped to transact with global brands and global value chains.


Insights & Reports

Stories of Impact